Hankuri Tawus Gaya


…the amazing fruits of your partnership with God!


Charles Habib Malik said ‘Change the university and you change the world.’  And I believe the sure way to changing the University is by changing the students.

In pursuit of the vision to see just one student shaped to become God’s dream person in other to change the campus today and the world tomorrow; together with your partnership with God through my work in Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES) I was at Benue State (Makurdi Zone) for a ministry visit from 7th- 12th of May, 2019.

I am glad to share with you the amazing things that God did through your partnership within this period.

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Student leadership plays a key role in our ministry work. During my visit I met with 27 campus student leadership of the Benue State University, Makurdi and 7 Zonal (State) leaders saddled with providing leadership to other students on campuses to ensure the actualization of the NIFES vision.  One student leader said to me ‘thank you for the exposure. I now see better and will surely lead well.” You made this possible thank you for shaping just one student leader.


On Wednesday 8th attended a Bible Study where I shared with the Students at the NIFES University of Agriculture Makurdi with 218 students in attendance and also trained 70 students and 25 students at the University of Agriculture Makurdi and Gboko College of Education, Gboko on 9th and 11th May respectively on inductive Bible Study, the art of Bible Study preparation and Leading Bible Studies. Here are two stories “Thank God I did not miss at all… I will no longer read God’s word like history but as a love letter from God to me. I will no longer observe, interpret but apply God’s word.” A. O. Joshua and for Adah D. M she said “I kept this date because I knew I was lacking in the ability to read, understand and practice the Bible. Today I can now observe, interpret and apply the scriptures. I also have learned how to draw a conclusion based on facts.” This happened because you partnered.


“The training has impacted my life and has changed my worldview about life. Open my eyes to know that success is not all about accumulating wealth and also that before the fall of man God gave us work to do. I was really blessed.” Said Edison H. and for Roseline O “My understanding about work has changed. my worldview to has been shaped and my understanding enhanced.” These are two stories out of the 28 graduating students that were shaped during the Post Campus life Training at Benue State University Makurdi. In Gboko we restarted the NIFES Associates Community Fellowship with 3 graduates in attendance where we shared how to make a living through local innovation and influencing students on campus. Pray for God to sustain the work. This happened because you partnered.


On 7th and 12th May 2019, we reached out to 1905 Internally displaced persons (IDPs) at the Daudu camp where 3515 persons are camped as a result of the crisis in Benue State. We gave out over 1700 clothes; 0ver 200 hundred shoes; foodstuff and 18 wooden benches to serve over 150 children in their open school. One key thing we did was to educate the crisis victims on trauma- the wound of the heart and gave them the opportunity to share their stories. The first part of the outreach was supported by items from a university chapel and graduates while the second part of the outreach was supported by clothes, shoes, and foodstuff from NIFES Students in Benue State University and the University of Agriculture Makurdi. Here are stories from students who visited the camp: “Coming to IDP camp Daudu Benue State was an eye-opener for me. How can a woman give birth to twins and live in a tent without a mattress or mat to lay her head but sleeps on bare ground with her newly born twins? I have been challenged greatly and I intend to be of help in any and every way to impact the lives of these people from now henceforth.” Esther F. I

Ode R. E. “I came face to face with what I have been hearing and seeing in movies. What I saw here today is terrible. The government does not have an answer to this as they have already failed us, but we can’t fail ourselves. The solution and the answers to this lie with us.” Victoria E “It’s really a painful experience. I have heard about IDPs but have never imagined it will be as worst as this. This has triggered me to come back and help them. I wish to bring things to give them always.” Beloved, this was made possible by your partnership.


I trained 62 students on how to enhance hardcover notebook or Bible covers using Ankara (Local Fabrics) materials. It was a wow moment for the students that participated as they were able to practice what they learned immediately. Here are testimonies of some of them:

  1. Akpoga said “I learned to add value to my life through the knowledge I got from our Area Director Uncle Hankuri Tawus Gaya. I learned how to make a notebook look good in appearance using Ankara materials. I was able to practically employ the skills in also making and improving the appearance of my journal using Ankara materials.” For Bosha A “I have been empowered by learning Ankara and I plan to use this knowledge lucratively.” This happened because you partnered.

One other thing I did was to network with Council Members, Associates, and friends. I also met with some of my former students and it was a great time of investment in shaping student and building relationships. Thank you for the partnership.

Beloved, I remain grateful to God for the unique gift of people like you. I appeal for more of your partnership and investment as we shape student on campus.


Hankuri Tawus Gaya

Area Director, keffi Area




14th May 2019

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