Hankuri Tawus Gaya



… I lead without Position

book lot on table

I am book. I am written by human authors with ideas from God. Printed by publishing houses and sold through the tireless effort of book promoters and sellers. I come in different formats but contain the same message treasure of a lifetime. Read me and be great.


I am book. I am made by humans and I make humans great. I am an answer and a solution to the problems in the world. I am an antidote to Africa’s mental, physical, spiritual, and financial poverty. Read me and be great.


I am book. I have made many rich and others great leaders. I have transformed weak minds to great minds; village boys to great leaders; ordinary women to global influencers. Read me and be great.


I am book. I have made many rich and wealthy and given voices to the oppressed where their strength failed. Within my pages are answers and solutions that can be unleashed for shaping nations. Read me and Be great.


I am book. I shape the mind of the young. I shape the mind of the old. I equip the rich to manage their wealth well and empower the poor to be wealthy. I give hope to the hopeless and voice to the voiceless. I give both males and females equal opportunity to be heard anywhere, anytime, and under any condition. Read me and be great.


I am book. I am ordinary people Professors and professors’ great teachers; politicians transformers; parents life builders; children great minds; business people wealthy; physicians’ excellent and humans real humans. Read me and be great.


I am book. Give me to a child and I will give you a great mind. Give me to an adult and I will make their life meaningful. Give me to an oppressed woman and I will give her inner strength to let her voice be heard. Give me to leaders and I will make them visionary and agents of transformation. Give me to the followers and I will make them relevant. Read me and be great.

I am book. I am a companion of great thinkers, inventors, and global influencers. I am a loyal partner and a fearless advocate. I fear no one. I speak to kings as I will speak to their subject; to leaders as I will speak to their followers. Read me and be great.


I am book. I love booksellers and book promoters. They help me serve my purpose by getting me across to readers. You see they may not be celebrated in society but they make many great through their calling and ministry. Read me and be great.


I am book. I love you. I desire to be your friend. Your companion. You adviser. Your Idea banks. Your destiny helper. Your connection with the great book and God. I just love to help you be you beyond your dream. Read me and be great.


I am book. I lead without a position because I am an influencer.

Hankuri Tawus Gaya




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