Hankuri Tawus Gaya


…You are part of My Story

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” – Acts 20:24

It’s my birthday, and I echo Paul’s words: my life has meaning only if used for God’s purpose – reaching students with the Good News. Looking back, I see God’s hand in saving me, again and again, for that mission.

Escapes and Expulsions: God’s Protection –In 1995, during the Bauchi crisis, I narrowly escaped armed men. In 2003, I faced radical Islamists, and in 2004, expulsion from school for leading an evangelical fellowship. Even three car accidents couldn’t stop me. God spared me for His purpose!

Reaffirming My Commitment: A Birthday Gift to Students -Years ago, I signed away my life to God and global missions and serving God with complete devotion.  Today, I reaffirm that commitment, especially to reaching this generation of students.

To celebrate, I’m launching three initiatives:

  • Free eBook: “YOUR CAMPUS DAYS MATTER”. Download this powerful guide for free for 48 hours! My goal is to also give free printed copies to students in need. Sponsor a copy today!
  • Spoken Word: Awakening the Church. Hear my spoken word pieces, “I am One Lost Student” and “Don’t Let Me Waste… the Cry of a Ripe Fruit,” to awaken the Church to the urgent need to reach students.
  • Hope for Students in Crisis: Let One Student Rise Again! Crisis affected me on campus, and it still impacts countless students. We’re launching this initiative to support students facing challenges and help them dream again.

How You Can Support (My Birthday Gift)

As a valued partner in campus missions, help me celebrate and make this life count:

  • Pray: Thank God for my life and grace to serve. Pray for strength to finish well.
  • Give: Support the book project with any amount – N1k, N3k, N5k, N10k, N20k, or more. Every bit helps!
  • Pray and Give: Support “Hope for Students in Crisis” to let a student rise again.

Send donations to Campus Missions and Leadership Initiative (CMLI) – 0871228540 GT Bank.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!

Let’s make every life count for God’s glory.

Pastor Hankuri Tawus Gaya




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