Hankuri Tawus Gaya


…answering the BIG question, giving opportunities!


A  Pastor once said to my colleague “We preach faith you practice faith”. 

  • How do you plan a programme when you are not sure of where the money to host the event will come from except that you have faith in God?
  • How do you present a budget that runs to millions without been sure of where they income will come from except that you have faith in God?
  • How do you engage staff when you are not sure of where they funds will come from to pay their salaries and allowances except that you have faith in God?
  • How do you fix a date for travelling when you are not sure of where they transport fair will come from except that you have faith in God?
  • How do you tell your wife the Lord will provide when you are not sure of where they funds will come from except that you have faith in God?
  • How do you tell a student to come collect a support for their school fees when you are not sure of where the money will come from except that you have faith in God?
nattanan23 / Pixabay

Today I feel burden to share with you, how the work of shaping just one student is funded. Yes! You may be aware of this or not but let this be a reminder or an information that will help you pray for me and also play your role as a co-investor with God.

Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES) the platform where God has called me to serve him is a FAITH BASED EVANGELICAL MOVEMENT that is non-denominational and interdenominational. It is a Strategic Mission agency working in tertiary institution with students as the target and drivers. It is a Para Church agency committed to resourcing the church by shaping students when on campus and releasing to serve in the body of Christ and market place.

NIFES is faith based because we depend on God’s provision through His Children for the work he has called us to do on campus. We come from different churches but we do not belong to a particular Church but the body of Christ.

Coming on staff means you sign up to raise resources for your work and all that God will entrust in your care to do as a staff worker. You do this together with Student leaders and key graduates committed as Council members.

Therefore, my work in NIFES is funded by God through the generous gift of God’s people. He moved the heart of friend and partners like you who read and hear stories of what God is doing and the needs on ground to respond by giving God’s money their hands. They give not to help me but as their stewardship responsibility as co-laborers with God.

So, in this project of shaping just one student, I don’t see you as a support but a partner and co-investor with God. Yes! You are a co-laborer with God. You are a key player. When you don’t do your part the work suffers.

Here is how you can play your role in funding my work in NIFES as you play your role:

  • Pray for just one student daily to know the Lord
  • Give monthly no matter how little you think that amount may be. (I know of a woman who was giving just N200 and another N1000 monthly).
  • Give a onetime gift of any amount as God lay in your heart.
  • Give your tithe or any percentage of your income or profit
  • Decide to take up the payment of a staff salary for giving period.
  • Sponsor a training programme or sponsor a student to attend a training programme.
  • Host a dinner with your friends and share with them how they can join you invest in just one student
  • Channel your birthday celebration to raise funds for shaping just one student on campus
  • You can give a car if you have more than one or any other resources that you know can make the work of Discipling student easy.
  • Do any other thing that facilitates the shaping just one student.


To give to my work in NIFES, send investment to NIFES 0040627084 ACCESS (Diamond)


Remember “Investing in young people, especially those exposed to education constitutes a temporal and ETERNAL INVESTMENT IN THE DESTINY OF INDIVIDUALS, families & the nation.”  Prof Funmi Para-Mallam.


Now that you know how my work is funded, I look forward to more partnership with you.


Hankuri Tawus Gaya

Area Director, NIFES




28th May 2019

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