Hankuri Tawus Gaya


…celebrating 10 years of God’s faithfulness in marriage


Marriage is one of the great mysteries given to humanity by God. Its depth and blessing can never be fathomed by the human mind but her fruits and impact have the power to transform the world. In fact, it is the only instituted set by God to advance God’s likeness and image.

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It is not everyone who set out to get married that ended up getting married. It is not also everyone who fixed a wedding day that the event came to pass. It is not also everyone who eventually got married that get to stay for ten years celebrating each other and still staying in the same family.


So today I celebrate God’s faithfulness for helping me began this great and fruitful journey 10 years ago.


PATIENCE: 10 years ago, life has taken me to a point where I had asked my father why he named me Hankuri (Patience). My life at that time was marked with stories of pain, persecution and all manner of suffering and challenges life could bring. I had come face to face with death many times because of my Christian conviction. God then saw that for me to move forward I need Faith. So, found favor in his sight he blessed me with Faith, my wife.


FAITH: I met Faith my wife in early 2008 but approached her to marry me in June of the same year. I recall telling her that I have no money or anything many young women aspire for but I had books and a vision to transform the world. I was starting out in my journey as a missionary with no sure means of income or anyone somewhere to look up than God.  Despite all my scary story Faith decided that I was the one for her. She accepted to marry. God blessed PATIENCE with FAITH.


FAITH AND PATIENCE: On 21st February 2009 Faith and Hankuri (Patience) began a journey that today has translated to 10 years. Our prayers and desire were simply God help us grow and build a Christian home. Today its 10 years of growing together, learning together, sharing life together, failing together, crying together, serving the Lord together, sharing pain and joy together, succeeding together, shaping generations of student together and doing many more


GOD’SGIFT: Faith and Patience relationship as a couple gave birth to God’sgift our first daughter. She was indeed God’s unique gift and we celebrated the faithfulness of God as we accept the big responsibility of being parents. We then began a journey of learning from this unique gift the rope of parenting. We failed in many ways and also succeeded in many ways. We are still on this journey.


GOD’SPEACE:  2010- 2015 were tough years of learning in our marriage journey. We had four miscarriage and I had a life-threatening accident in 2011 that almost claimed my life. My Father-in-law went to be with the Lord and several other challenges. We were also committed to serving the Lord and giving God our best. So, we quoted the scriptures that say “God’s gift makes rich and added not sorrow.” We had times of asking whether we sinned against God or have failed to do something. But we all discovered that it was not about any of us but God design for shaping us and making us the Christian home that we have prayed. Then come January 19, 2016, God visited us with a unique gift of another baby girl and we called her GOD’SPEACE. She came as peace in the midst of our challenging moment and God has continued to give us his peace.


GOD’SJOY: Patience, Faith, Gift and Peace living together results in the joy that overflows and this comes only from the Lord. So, God decided to visit us again in our journey by giving us a third girl and we called her JOY.


Today we reaffirm our commitment to building a Christian home anchored on the word of God and nothing will deter us from this commitment as we daily depend on Christ the solid rock.


In all these stories, you are one person that God brought our way to share with us in our learning, growing, failing and succeeding. Today we say thank you for investing in our life as a family and for giving to the Lord.


God has assured us of doing new things. “Give no thought to the things which are past; let the early times go out of your minds. See, I am doing a new thing; now it is starting; will you not take note of it? I will even make a way in the wasteland, and rivers in the dry country – Isa 43:18-19 BBE


Pray for us to remain true to our commitment to loving God, loving each other, loving others and transforming our world just one soul at a time.


Hankuri Tawus Gaya

I amastudentMinister




21st February 2019

2 thoughts on “FROM PATIENCE TO JOY”

  1. It’s only a lady with vision that knows that a man with books and vision is a potential goldmine. This part of your story really captured my attention. I pray that wisdom will fall upon our sisters, so that they’ll walk by faith and not by sight.

    God have already blessed your marriage from the begining by helping you to start on the right foot. The good lord who started the journey with you, will continue to see you through.

    Though, this post is almost two years now, but the lesson in it, is as fresh as a morning dew to the sage. Wishing you more celebrations sir.

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